We Need Your Help to Save Our LakesBecome a Member


Membership in the Georgia Lakes Society is open to all individuals, institutions, corporations, and organizations whose interests are consistent with the objectives of the society.   

Benefits of Becoming a Member:

  • Ample Social and Professional lake-management connections
  • Volunteer water-quality monitoring support
  • Information and discounts on the GLS annual conference
  • Opportunity for student travel grants to lake management conferences
  • Networking with lake professionals and lake homeowner stakeholders
  • Newsletter and other GLS publications
  • Personal satisfaction in helping to preserve Georgia’s lakes

Your privacy is important to us.  We do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information (name, address, email, etc.) to any third party.  Ever!

Rates for Membership are as follows:

Student: FREE – (Please download this form, and mail it or email it to us.)
Individual: $20
Family: $25
Nonprofit: $50
Corporate: $100
Sustaining: $250 (includes one registration for GLS’ annual meeting)

You can securely use PayPal (below) to join GLS today.  Or you can download this form, and mail it to us with your check.
Corporations can use PayPal to become a GLS member (below) or download this form, and mail it to us with your check.

Join the Georgia Lake Society Today!