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Georgia Adopt-A-Lake

The Georgia Lakes Society in cooperation with the Georgia Adopt-A-Stream program of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division has initiated the Adopt-A-Lake program to coordinate statewide the monitoring of lakes and ponds throughout Georgia. This combined effort between a non-profit organization and state agency draws on the strengths of both groups. The program is designed to promote citizen involvement in learning about and protecting lakes by offering a range of responsibilities and activities.

You  choose your level of involvement:

Level I

Involves citizens through fun and educational activities including basic monitoring and public outreach.

Level II

Involves citizens through the collection and interpretation of data for long-term water quality monitoring with emphasis on the collection of Chlorophyll a. To include as many people as possible, the program appeals to people with various interests and talents. Within each level, individuals and groups can choose one or more different types of activities:

FISH WATCH for people who like to fish.
SHORE WATCH for people who like to walk or wade.
BOAT WATCH for people with access to boats.
THOREAU for people who like to communicate appreciation of lakes through writing and art.

To find out more about volunteer monitoring in general, visit the U.S. EPA’s  “The Volunteer Monitor: National Newsletter of Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring“.